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- Design and Technology
Design and Technology
Curriculum Statement Design and Technology
Curriculum Outline Design and Technology
Year 7: How it works
Year 7
Number of lessons a fortnight: 3
How it works
Students will have the opportunity to study across all specialisms of Design and Technology over the course of the year. This includes Food, Product Design, Textiles and Graphics. Students will be on a rotation system, where they will spend time studying one specific area, before moving on to another specialism. This rotation system gives our students an excellent chance to explore the full range of Design and Technology specialisms throughout the year.
Year 7: Assessment & How can parents help?
Students will be assessed following our Creative 6 criteria, which will assess their application of Research, Ideas, Experimenting, Evaluation, Knowledge and Mindset through their work. They will be assessed twice through each rotation- about two weeks in to each rotation, and then towards the end, evaluating their work and mindset throughout the rotation.
How can parents help?
Parents can support by offering creative opportunities at home. This could include allowing students to cook on a regular basis at home, to encourage creative thinking and application, allowing for them to help you around the house with DIY and giving them access to a range of media to explore with. Encourage your child to take the approach that every problem has a solution and that things that go wrong are a learning experience, not a failure!
Year 8: How it works
Year 8
Number of lessons a fortnight: 3
How it works
Students will have the opportunity to study across all specialisms of Design and Technology over the course of the year. This includes Food Technology, Textiles, Product Design and Electronics and Graphics. Students will be on a rotation system, where they will spend time studying one specific area, before moving on to another specialism. This rotation system gives our students an excellent chance to explore the full range of Design and Technology specialisms throughout the year.
Year 8: Assessment & How can parents help?
Students will be assessed following our Creative 6 criteria, which will assess their application of Research, Ideas, Experimenting, Evaluation, Knowledge and Mindset through their work. They will be assessed twice through each rotation- about two weeks in to each rotation, and then towards the end, evaluating their work and mindset throughout the rotation.
How can parents help?
Parents can support by offering creative opportunities at home. This could include allowing students to cook on a regular basis at home, to encourage creative thinking and application, allowing for them to help you around the house with DIY and giving them access to a range of media to explore with. Encourage your child to take the approach that every problem has a solution and that things that go wrong are a learning experience, not a failure!
Year 9: How it works
Year 9
Number of lessons a fortnight: 3
How it works.
Students will have the opportunity to study across all specialisms of Design and Technology over the course of the year. This includes Food Technology, Textiles, Product Design and Graphics. Students will be on a rotation system, where they will spend time studying one specific area, before moving on to another specialism. This rotation system gives our students an excellent chance to explore the full range of Design and Technology specialisms throughout the year.
Year 9: Assessment & How can parents help?
Students will be assessed following our Creative 6 criteria, which will assess their application of Research, Ideas, Experimenting, Evaluation, Knowledge and Mindset through their work. They will be assessed twice through each rotation- about two weeks in to each rotation, and then towards the end, evaluating their work and mindset throughout the rotation.
How can parents help?
Parents can support by offering creative opportunities at home. This could include allowing students to cook on a regular basis at home, to encourage creative thinking and application, allowing for them to help you around the house with DIY and giving them access to a range of media to explore with. Encourage your child to take the approach that every problem has a solution and that things that go wrong are a learning experience, not a failure!
GCSE- KS4: How it work
Number of lessons a fortnight: 5
How it works.
Students will have the opportunity to study one of four Design and Technology GCSE subject options at Chertsey High School. These options include:
- Food Preparation and Nutrition (Eduqas)
- Textile Design (AQA)
- Three-Dimensional Design (AQA)
- Graphic Communication (AQA)
These options have been selected to support our students to specialise in their chosen subject area, whilst also being exposed to a range of opportunity outside their specialism. We are confident that our GCSE offering provides the best opportunity for success, skill development and self-confidence in specific subject areas.
GCSE - KS4: How can parents help?
How can parents help?
Encourage your child to think critically about products they use every day- does it work? How could it be improved? What could make their day easier? Could they design that? Every possible design problem has a solution and encourage them to become creative thinkers.
Please encourage your child to show you their work and discuss their ideas with them. If you are able to, please go with them to exhibitions/shows/galleries which can inspire them and support them in their design and practical work.
Please encourage your child to keep up to date with their work, and if you are aware of any circumstance which could mean your child gets behind with their work, please inform their class teacher so that we can support your child as appropriate.