Year 9 Options Pathways 2025 - 2027

Options Pathways at Key Stage 4 

We want to make sure that each child makes the right choices for them. We pride ourselves on knowing our children – their prior attainment data, their experiences at school, and their ideas about what they want to do in the future (if they have thought that far ahead!) As such, we will remain flexible in terms of exactly which subjects each child takes for GCSE and the route they take to get there. Members of the Senior Leadership Team, along with the Head of Year, Mr Brookmyre, will be having individual conversations with students to guide them in making their initial choices. Conducting these 1:1 conversations is really enlightening and a pleasure to carry out. The students are in no way committing to anything; rather they are giving us a gauge of what subjects are popular so that we can build an appropriate timetable.

Timeline of the Options Pathways Process

Date Event

November 2024 onwards

Presentations in assemblies and lessons


Families receive a copy of the 2025 - 2027 Options Pathways Booklet. This will explain in detail exactly which subjects students must take, and the full list of options available

w/b 13.01.25

  • 1:1 Interviews with senior staff and head of year
  • Parents and Carers of students for whom an alternative pathway may be appropriate are contacted


  • Year 9 Options and Parents’ Evening: 3.30 pm - 7.30 pm (in school)
  • Families are sent a link to the formal Options Selection Form


Deadline for completion of Options Selection Form

w/b 31.03.25

  • Timetable models are created to accommodate the maximum choices possible.
  • Families will be contacted where an individual’s choice selection is not possible to find an alternative


Final Options Choices are sent to families

In the meantime, students are encouraged to speak to their subject teachers over the course of this half term to find out as much information as possible about subjects that interest them. It would also be beneficial to engage in conversations at home about subject choices, areas of study post-16 and potential employment ideas.

Introduction to Pathways

Final choice form deadline Friday 7th Febraury 2025 4pm


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