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Staff Contact Details and Lines of Communication
If you need to contact a member of staff, please see the below flowchart to ensure that you are contacting the correct person to assist you.
Senior Leadership Team
Name | Role | Email Address |
Mrs M Gould | Headteacher | gouldm@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Miss A McGrandles | Deputy Headteacher | mcgrandlesa@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mrs G Jones | School Business Manager | jonesg@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mrs S Browne | Assistant Headteacher | On Maternity Leave |
Mrs H Daly | Assistant Headteacher | On Maternity Leave |
Mr M Hayter | Assistant Headteacher | hayterm@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mr C Howell | Assistant Headteacher | howellc@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Ms S Lalli | Assistant Headteacher | lallis@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Dr D Mercone | Assistant Headteacher | merconed@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Miss A Musk | Assistant Headteacher | muska@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mr T Gardner | Associate Assistant Headteacher | gardnert@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Miss H Gardner | Associate Assistant Headteacher | gardnerh@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mr C McKenzie | Associate Assistant Headteacher | mckenziec@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Name | Role | Email Address |
Mrs K Hitchings | Chair of Governors | clerk@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mrs K Masella | Clerk to the Governors | clerk@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Ms R Allen | Governor | |
Mr S Boreham | Governor | |
Mrs H Edwards | Governor | |
Mr T Little | Governor | |
Mrs N Joubert | Governor | |
Mr K Okoli | Governor | |
Ms D Regan | Governor |
Year Teams
Year 11 Tutors
Name | Role | Email Address |
Miss H Gardner | Head of Year 11 | gardnerh@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mrs J Clark | Year Group Co-ordinator | clarkj@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mrs K Moore | 11a Garrett Anderson | moorek@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mr C Ball | 11a Newton | ballc@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Miss L Kirby | 11a Pankhurst | kirbyl@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Miss M Sladeckova | 11b Nightingale | sladeckovam@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mrs J Owen | 11b Tolkien | owenj@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mrs A Horner | 11b Wilberforce | hornera@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Year 10 Tutors
Name | Role | Email Address |
Mr D Chalmers | Head of Year 10 | chalmersd@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mrs J Clark | Year Group Co-ordinator | clarkj@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mrs F Sabri | 10a Garrett Anderson | sabrif@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mr C Williams | 10a Newton | williamsc@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mrs L Gordon-Reeves / Miss J Lidington | 10a Pankhurst | gordonl@chertseyhighschool.co.uk / lidingtonj@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Ms A Byrne | 10b Nightingale | byrnea@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mr M Shutt | 10b Tolkien | shuttm@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mrs B Meiring | 10b Wilberforce | meiringb@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Year 9 Tutors
Name | Role | Email Address |
Mr H Brookmyre | Head of Year 9 | brookmyreh@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mrs J Clark | Year Group Co-ordinator | clarkj@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Ms G Nibbs | 9a Garrett Anderson | nibbsg@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mr E Hunt | 9a Newton | hunte@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mrs N Patel | 9a Pankhurst | pateln@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mr C Lancaster | 9b Nightingale | lancasterc@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Miss R Benavente | 9b Tolkien | benaventer@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Ms N Griffiths | 9b Wilberforce | griffithsn@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Year 8 Tutors
Name | Role | Email Address |
Miss C Morrison | Head of Year 8 | morrisonc@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Miss C Hickmott | Year Group Co-ordinator | hickmottc@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Miss S Giltinan | 8a Garrett Anderson | giltinans@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mr A Soden | 8a Newton | sodena@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Miss N Wheeler | 8a Pankhurst | wheelern@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Miss A Sansbury | 8b Nightingale | sansburya@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mr B Godber | 8b Tolkien | godberb@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Miss H Jansen | 8b Wilberforce | Jansenh@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Year 7 Tutors
Name | Role | Email Address |
Mrs T White | Head of Year 7 | whitet@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Miss C Hickmott | Year Group Co-ordinator | hickmottc@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Miss M Adams | 7a Garrett Anderson | adamsm@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mr J Knapton | 7a Newton | knaptonj@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mr V Gunda | 7a Pankhurst | gundav@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mrs K Corkish | 7b Nightingale | corkishk@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mr B Wallace | 7b Tolkien | wallaceb@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Ms S Bandali | 7b Wilberforce | bandalis@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Administrative Staff
Name | Role | Email Address |
Miss Y Fernandes | Receptionist | info@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mrs D Gibbs | Headteacher's PA, Marketing and Communications | gibbsd@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mrs G Jones | School Business Manager | jonesg@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mr R Jayawardena | HR Officer and Cover Co-Ordinator | jayawardenap@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mrs K Bostock | Office Manager | bostockk@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Miss C Hickmott | Year Group Co-ordinator: 6,7,8 | hickmottc@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mrs J Clark | Year Group Co-ordinator: 9,10,11 | clarkj@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Ms E Waghorn | Student Services and Careers Officer | waghorne@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mrs B Leverton | Exams and Data Officer | levertonb@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mrs E Foley | Finance Officer | foleye@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mr Finnegan | BET IT | helpdesk@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mr P Allen | Premises Manager | premises@chertseyhighschoolco.uk |
Mr D Smithies | Site Officer | premises@chertseyhighschoolco.uk |
Art Department
Name | Role | Email Address |
Mrs K Corkish | Head of Art and Photography | bakerk@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mrs C Donnachie | Art and Technology Technician | donnachiec@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mr B Wallace | Teacher of Photography and Graphics | wallaceb@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Business Studies Department
Name | Role | Email Address |
Mr T Gardner | Head of Business Studies | gardnert@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Miss A Musk | Assistant Headteacher | muska@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Computing Department
Name | Role | Email Address |
Ms J Fenton-Hall | Head of Computing | hallja@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mrs F Sabri | Teacher of Computing and Prince's Trust | sabrif@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mr T Corry | Trust Careers Lead | corryt@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Dr D Mercone | Assistant Headteacher | merconed@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Cover Department
Name | Role | Email Address |
Mr S Browne | Cover Supervisor | brownesi@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Ms E Kyriaki | Cover Supervisor | kyriakie@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mrs R Newton | Cover Supervisor | newtonr@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Design and Technology Department
Name | Role | Email Address |
Miss Nikki Wheeler | Head of Technology | wheelern@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Ms M Adams | Teacher of Technology - Food | adamsm@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Ms A Byrne | Teacher of Technology - Textiles | byrnea@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mr A Soden | Teacher of Technology - DT | sodena@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mrs C Donnachie | Art and Technology Technician | donnachiec@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mr L Ingram | Food and Design Technology Technician | ingraml@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Miss A McGrandles | Deputy Head Teacher | mcgrandlesa@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
English Department
Name | Role | Email Address |
Ms I Baird | Head of English and Media | bairdi@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Ms G Nibbs | Literacy Lead and Teacher of English | nibbsg@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Ms J Owen | Teacher of English | owenj@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mrs B Meiring | Teacher of English | meiringb@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Ms N Griffiths | Teacher of English | griffithsn@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Miss J Lidington | Teacher of English | lidingtonj@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Miss J Blandford | Teacher of English | blandfordj@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mrs S Browne | Assistant Headteacher | brownes@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Humanities Departments
Name | Role | Email Address |
Mr C Mckenzie | Head of Humanities | mckenziec@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mrs J Iddon | Head of Philosophy and Ethics | iddonj@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mr H Brookmyre | Head of Year 9 and Teacher of History | brookmyreh@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Miss H Gardner | Head of Year 11 and Teacher of Geography | gardnerh@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mr M Shutt | Geography Lead | shuttm@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Miss Benavente | Teacher of RS, Citizenship and H and SC | benaventer@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mrs H Daly | Assistant Headteacher | dalyh@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
The Lighthouse
Name |
Role |
Email Address |
Dr D Mercone | Designated Safeguarding Lead | merconed@chersteyhighschool.co.uk |
Mrs K Howard | Lighthouse Lead and Deputy Safeguarding Lead | howardk@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mrs S Harper | Student Liaison and Deputy Safeguarding Lead | harpers@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mrs J Lee | Student Liaison and Deputy Safeguarding Lead | leej@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Maths Department
Name | Role | Email Address |
Mr E Hook | Head of Maths | hooke@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mrs N Patel | Second in Maths | pateln@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mrs B Joubert | Teacher of Maths | joubertb@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Miss M Sladeckova | Teacher of Maths | sladeckovam@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mr C Williams | Teacher of Maths | williamsc@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mr V Gunda | Teacher of Maths | gundav@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Ms S Lalli | Assistant Headteacher | lallis@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
MFL Department
Name |
Role |
Email Address |
Mrs K Moore | Head of MFL | moorek@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Ms A Horner | Teacher of MFL | hornera@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Ms L Gordon-Reeves | Teacher of MFL | gordonl@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mr S Hallett | Teacher of MFL | hallets@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mr C Paxia | Teacher of MFL | paxiac@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mr C Howell | Assistant Headteacher | howellc@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
PE Department
Name |
Role |
Email Address |
Mr C Ball | Head of PE | ballc@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Miss S Giltinan | Head of Girls' PE | giltinans@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Miss A Sansbury | Teacher of PE | sansburya@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mr D Chalmers | Teacher of PE | chalmersd@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mr T Gardner | Associate Assistant Headteacher | gardnert@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Performing Arts Department
Name |
Role |
Email Address |
Mr J Knapton | Head of Music | knaptonj@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Miss L Kirby | Head of Drama | kirbyl@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mr M Hayter | Assistant Headteacher | hayterm@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
PSHE Department
Name |
Role |
Email Address |
Miss A Musk | Head of PSHE | muska@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mr C Ball | Teacher of PSHE | ballc@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mr H Brookmyre | Teacher of PSHE | brookmyreh@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Miss J Iddon | Teacher of PSHE | iddonj@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Miss H Gardner | Teacher of PSHE | gardnerh@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mrs H Daly | Assistant Headteacher | dalyh@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mr M Hayter | Assistant Headteacher | hayterm@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Science Department
Name |
Role |
Email Address |
Mrs K Parek | Head of Department | parekhk@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mr E Hunt | Teacher of Science | hunte@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Miss C Morrison | Teacher of Science | morrisonc@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mr B Godber | Teacher of Science | godberb@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mrs T White | Teacher of Science | whitet@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Miss H Jansen | Teacher of Science | Jansenh@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Dr D Mercone | Assistant Headteacher | merconed@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mrs N Panesar | Lead Science Technician | panesarm@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mr M Cottrill | Science Technician | cottrillm@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Southcote Centre
Name |
Role |
Email Address |
Mr L Jerwood | Headteacher, Philip Southcote School | |
Mrs S Afana | Assistant Headteacher, Philip Southcote School | |
Mr M Vadi | Philip Southcote Centre Manager | vadim@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Name |
Role |
Email Address |
Mrs L West | SENDCo | westl@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Ms J Baldwin | SEND Administrator and Teaching Assistant | baldwinj@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mrs A Cully | Teaching Assistant | cullya@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Miss R Clinton | Teaching Assistant | clintonr@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Ms M De Mello | Teaching Assistant and Access Arrangements | demellom@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Miss P Gandhi | Teaching Assistant | gandhip@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Miss S Lawson | Teaching Assistant | lawsons@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Miss K Parker | Teaching Assistant | parkerk@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mr K Scully | Teaching Assistant | scullyk@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
Mrs S Tanwar | Teaching Assistant | tanwars@chertseyhighschool.co.uk |
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Ms Lalli
Assistant Headteacher
Students are polite, respectful and show curiosity to learn. We support learning, enabling students to reach their full potential.

Year 7
I felt welcomed by my tutor, Head of Year and Assistant Headteacher when I joined from my primary school.

Year 11
This is more than a school, this is our CHS Family!

Mr Ball
PE Teacher
I am proud to teach at a school that values and loves every child for who they are. Here at Chertsey High School we look to develop children holistically and I couldn't imagine a better place to do it.