School Life Overview

“I want to lead a school where everyone is happy, stimulated, and safe. I want to lead a school where everyone feels welcome and worthwhile, and where everyone has a purpose. And finally, I want to lead a school where our children’s minds are alive with knowledge, they feel determination in their very bones, and their hearts are full of love.”

From 3rd June 2024 the timings of the school day will include a separate lunchtime for KS3 and KS4. 

New timetable


The majority of time at school is spent in lesson. Children receive 5 hours of specialist teaching, alongside a 30-minute tutorial programme each morning. In lessons, students study a wide-range of subjects; we intend to keep the curriculum as broad as possible, for as long as possible. Following a 3-year KS3, teachers use the teaching principles of RISE in their day-to-day practice. This means that all children will receive responsive teaching; lessons are taught rather than just delivered, in which teachers are adapting the lessons to the ongoing needs of learners throughout the lesson. Throughout the school you'll see our commitment to inclusive practice in action. Our curriculum isn't just about facts and figures; it's designed to spark curiosity and inspire a lifelong love of learning. Wherever possible, we use high-quality first-wave teaching to ensure that all learners are part of the journey and spend their time in classrooms with teachers, rather than outside the classroom. Where specialist intervention is needed, we have access to support from our SENDCo and external agency support if required.

The tutorial programme is designed to respond to the needs of the children at their stage of development. Students will meet their tutor each morning and may work on tasks varying from making new friends in Year 7, to preparing college applications and mock job interviews by the time they are in Year 11. Behind the scenes, our support system works tirelessly to ensure that no one feels lost in the crowd and each individual is cherished. The Lighthouse is able to offer mental health and further specialist pastoral support for those that need it and each child's tutor is supported by a wider Head of Year team.

Students have the opportunity to engage with parents and the community. From workshops and open days for potential students, and clubs, trips and local area visits for exisiting students, we offer a wide range of additional opportunities for students from before they start to well after they leave the school. Clubs cover a range of activities including those linked with the curriculum, such as sports, performing arts or journalism, to non-related activities such as minecraft or friendship groups. We are partnering with local businesses to offer exciting opportunities for students and collaborating with other schools to share ideas. From neighborhood clean-up projects to charity fundraisers, our school isn't just a place of learning - children learn to become active citizens and form a part of the wider Chertsey community.

Parent Testimonials

'' I would like to thank you all for an utterly wonderful opportunity to meet all of ****** teachers. Parents' evenings in person are always so strengthening for relationships and we really appreciate everyone involved giving their time and feedback. The children are very lucky to have such a wonderful team in you all.''

- Year 7 Parent

''Chertsey High School is a safe, stimulating educational haven full of creativity and respect. Its strong ethos, which has a true meaning beyond the words on the school prospectus, is felt throughout the school. Children walk out of school with their heads held up high, curious and confident about their future. Chertsey High school has a strong leadership and an amazing team of teachers, who clearly love their profession. The pastoral care is on point and my son who has Type 1 Diabetes feels safe and fully supported here. I couldn’t think of a better secondary school for anyone who subscribes to the above. ''

- Year 9 Parent

"We have watched our son grow in confidence this year with all the subjects. He thoroughly enjoys every day and for us as parents appreciate all your hard work.

I hope that you all have a well deserved rest over the holidays and we look forward to seeing you in September for Year 8!!!"

- Year 8 Parent

"Just a quick email to say how pleased I am that our son chose CHS for his next stage. 

We are so thrilled with his first year. He has made such amazing progress which is no doubt due to the amazing education that has been provided. He enjoys every single subject, (long may it continue!) and is so talkative about what he has done in the day. His lessons sound amazing and I truly believe he is being provided with the most amazing opportunities and be given fantastic support and guidance for life skills, not just his academic knowledge. 

The dedication of the teaching staff is clear, and infectious! At all of the meetings I have attended I come away wanting to pursue a career in secondary education. My original plan when I was at school. I am aware that your first year has met some resistance at times, but I would like to say that we fully support the school in its rules and ethos. On the few occasions where we have made contact, we have always found ourselves to be treated well. I have no doubt that should concerns arise in the future, our voices would be heard. 

Thank you to every single teacher who chose to begin a journey with CHS. I feel that it is the most amazing body of teachers and I wish I had had some of the dedication and lessons at my school that our son is experiencing now.

- Year 8 Parent

Student Testimonials

"For any child going into year 7 it is a nerve racking experience (not only for all student but also for our parents). At Chertsey High School all of our outstanding staff did everything in their power to make us feel welcome and helped us to settle in quickly in our new school.

I now feel like I am apart of a great community that is always trying to improve and that always strives to make an impact and that always strives to make an impact. Even though Chertsey High is a new school, we have had every opportunity that every other secondary school offers and more.

Our teachers encourage us to be determined and to always try our hardest at any task given. At our school "I give us" is not in our vocabulary. Every single teacher loves each student that steps foot in our building and I could not be happier to start my secondary education in this school.

If this is what our school can accomplish in just a few short terms - I look forward to my future here!

I know that Chertsey High will help me achieve the best grade possible and will help me realise all my dreams as my life continues."

- Chertsey High Student

Nightingale House


" I think Chertsey High School is a great school because everyone is so friendly, including the teachers.

The teachers are amazing because they push you to get the best out of you. For example, I never thought I would get a 2+ in Maths, but my teacher challenged and supported me so that I can reach my goal. Learning at Chertsey High is great fun because the teachers make lessons interesting and challenging. I could not be happier in my choice of school! "

- Chertsey High Student

Newton House


I love being a pupil at CHS, the teachers are all very nice and they work you very hard to get the best grades that you can. When I started back, I found the rules very strict, but now that I am used to them, I know exactly what is expected from me.

Our Headteacher knows us all so well, our good and bad points, and teaches us about knowledge, determination and love. She encourages us all to be the best person we can be.

I have made so many new friends since joining Chertsey High and I enjoy spending time with them both in and out of school. I enjoy lots of subjects but particularly Maths, Science and PE. Mr Ball, our PE teacher makes it so much fun and encourages us to be very competitive, but also to be kind and understanding if someone is finding things difficult. We have a lot of homework but I now understand how important it is to get it done and I really enjoy getting better grades, so it is worth doing it properly.

I feel really lucky to have got a place last year and I look forward to the new Year 7’s this September as I know they will be very happy... just like me!”

- Chertsey High Student

Nightingale House


Before I started at Chertsey High School, I was really excited about being a part of a brand new school where the future of the school is molded by the pupils’ choices. This is because the teachers and staff let the pupils make the decisions about their future. However, despite all of my excitement for the new school before I started, I did have my worries and doubts like everyone else.

Firstly, I would just like to make it very clear that a school is not a building, it is a community of intelligent adults who want to teach determined children knowledge of the world in a loving way. If you do not believe that then, in my opinion, CHS is not the right place for you or your child to go to. Secondly, detentions are only set to help 

you learn wrong from right and to become a better person.

I love being a part of CHS and I wouldn’t change it for anything. All of the staff are really kind and helpful and their lessons are educational but fun. I don’t have a favourite subject as I love them all the same, but I do have to say that it gets very explosive in science!”

- Chertsey High Student 

Newton House

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